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12 Ways to optimize social media 2022

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Author – K.Nithiya 


(Republishing of this content is a crime) 

The on-page SEO factors involve the optimization of individual web pages to rank them higher. It does not involve any work on the external Signals and back links. 

Title and description tags 

Both are important to help search engines such as Google and users to understand the purpose of the page. 

Structured data 

Structured data helps Google understand the content even better, so should be crucial part of the on-page SEO audit. 

Internal links 

Internal linking is important to on page SEO because they help Google understand the relationship between pages on your site. 

Image Optimization 

Images also need to be black hat SEO optimized for SEO start by giving them descriptive file names with Birds separated by hyphens. 

White HAT SEO 

Google abides all optimization guidelines provided by white hat SEO 

Black hat SEO 

This is the exact opposite of white hat SEO in that it finds and it takes advantage of any loopholes or weaknesses in Google search engine algorithm to rank better on the SERP’S. 

Technical SEO 

It is largely to help Google bots successfully crawl, interpret and index on the pages of the site for future use. 

Off page SEO 

This refers to everything outside of the website to for better and teacher higher up in Google SERP’s 

Mobile Optimisation was not always a big focus for us in the past there is no Danny that it will be the fundamental for the future 


The art of clocking refers to the method of delivering a certain page to search engine crawlers while delivering a completely different page to the human eye 

Content swapping 

This is one such Black hat SEO method it was a manipulating Google algorithm to get content rank. 

 Lead generation 

LinkedIn has the highest visitor to lead generation, visitor to lead conversion rate of about 3 % and the three times more than that generated by Facebook and Twitter LinkedIn optimize the content to a greater extent by dressing of the user’s profile including a professional profile picture with a recommendation section of the profile and it will ask people to endorse a particular skill set. To optimize research leads subscribe to membership which offer advanced search options. Participate in group discussions to provide support and answers to high quality content. In the era of five star ratings are super important recommendations help you to stand apart from the crowd and get optimized the great profile and inspire trust.

15 days to boost your personal brand on LinkedIn for optimization is as follows 

1. Optimize your profile for search 

2. Approach LinkedIn like a living resume. 

3. Description to sell yourself 

4. Reconsider your profile photo 

5. Get creative with your cover photo 

6. Customize your LinkedIn profile URL 

7. Write articles for LinkedIn 

8. Close your skills strategically 

9. Set your profile to public 

10. Accept all connection requests 

11. Participate in group discussions 

12. Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations and engage meaningfully. 

13. Keep your content positive and helpful. 

Website can further be optimized by affiliate marketing, Google Ad Sense, email marketing, ecommerce website. Articles Shared in LinkedIn groups is the easiest way to share the knowledge. Social media sites like Hub Spot have followers for shared informative articles on a daily basis at that can be optimized. Newsletter is the best source of Optimization and gives brief information about the latest news in the social media marketing world. Social bookmarking websites are the favourite’s path for web developers and other digital marketing and social media’s interesting Trends updates and for Optimization

Understand about the brand and use visuals that resonate with the brand vision. The visuals of your brand must convey the message you want to send to the target audience consistency is key to effective branding and Optimisation so keep the visuals consistent through the communication process. Strategies that will work in SEO, mobile marketing social media marketing video marketing email marketing reviews and ratings. Advantage of pay per click advertising is that the website owner can set his own budget depending on how much he can spend. The performance of the campaign can be measured easily and in real time. PPC gives instant results primarily because of the pay given for it. Emotion can be nurtured with marketing strategies by observing the customer behaviour and their opinions. There is no doubt that a digital marketing is the future  better conversion rate check your marketing activities target precisely the audience so just concentrate on brand awareness by talking about your brand ,follow your followers.


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