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4 apps to help your mental health

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We’ve *all* heard that spending too much time online can be detrimental to our mental health. And, to an extent, that’s true. But did you know that using your phone positively can be a total gamechanger?

By swapping out the mindless TikTok scrolling with apps designed to help you unwind, you can practice mindfulness wherever you are, in a matter of minutes.

Whether you’re looking for a space to organize your thoughts or you prefer guided meditation, we’ve curated four apps that are way better alternatives to room scrolling.


One of the best apps for improving mood and focus is Headspace. From guided meditations and exercise videos to white noise and focus music, this app has *everything* you could ever need to unwind. Its purpose is to encourage daily meditation and to help you maintain a relaxed mindset, even during life’s most hectic moments.


Finding a phrase that keeps you grounded is extremely important. Mantra features a multitude of distinct affirmations and encourages positive self-talk with daily reminders. You can even choose from different themes, fonts, and music to ensure the most comfortable experience.


Booster Buddy

Looking for a way to record your daily moods? Say hello to Booster Buddy. This app also helps you practice coping skills and keeps track of your favorite quotes. There’s even a section for emergency contacts, like trusted friends and family members, so you can keep your support system close by at all times.

Daily Bean

Daily Bean is more than just an everyday journaling app.  There are a *ton* of categories you can add to keep track of daily habits—sleep, emotions, and even the weather. Although it may seem like just a journal at first, this app allows you to focus and hone in on different patterns in your mood. 




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