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INTRODUCTION:Everyone wants flawless, smooth, blemish and acne free skin but for many of us, it is difficult to get healthy skin. There are various factors responsible for unhealthy skin such as hormonal changes, bad environmental conditions, improper diet, dehydration, etc. So you need to tackle your skincare issues and follow basic tips regularly to get beautiful skin naturally. There is no miracle happening overnight, so you need to follow some basic daily skin care, to keep blemishes at bay and enhance your natural beauty. 


  • You already know that diet with green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds can help you get rid of diseases. But did you know this stuff also work wonders on your skin? Yes, these food items are really effective to give you a healthy skin.
  • Eat flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, fish, etc that are high in healthy fats and contain vitamins-E and omega-3 fatty acids which are important for healthy skin and they may also contain compounds that protect against sun damage.

  • Include more of fruits and vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin-c and act as antioxidants for the skin. Vitamin C is necessary to create collagen and maintain structural protein that keeps skin elasticity and makes skin strong.

Green Tea contains catechins which are powerful antioxidants that can protect skin against sun damage and reduce the skin inflammation and redness.


Drinking water is the best way to keep the body as well as skin hydrated. Water helps to balance the PH of the skin. If your body is dehydrated, your skin color will fade and the skin will feel dry and inflexible. So try to drink water more for overall health. If in case you are unable to drink more water then add some flavoring substances such as lemon, mint leaves to enhance the taste. The flavored water is rich in vitamin C and it protects the skin from damaging factors.


You should clean your makeup before going to bed in the night for skin care because the skin needs to breathe and makeup prevents that. Leaving the makeup on overnight clogs the pores which may result in blemishes and blackheads. Use some healthy oil such as olive oil for makeup remover. Take Olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt.

Sleep Well- It is just about getting 8-hours sleep at night for healthy skin. A proper sleep also maintains the body metabolism, digestion process. You get revitalized after every sound sleep

If you think, exercise is only beneficial for weight management or diseases management, you are wrong because exercise also stimulates the lymphatic system, which keeps everything moving, especially blood. Proper blood flow is essential for healthy glowing skin. So exercise regularly, which enhances blood circulation in the body.


Exfoliate your skin which can remove the layers of dead skin. You can use natural ingredients for skin exfoliation. Use a paste of walnut in powder form with curd to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote flawless skin.

Stay away from heavy chemical based cosmetic product for skin. The above-mentioned tips are basic but they will do wonders for your skin.



Many people think that when they are young, they do not have to take care of their skin because until they are much older, it does not matter. But the way you take care of your skin now will affect you greatly in later life. How our skin stands the test of time is somewhat genetic predisposition that we are all in some way, but the lines and wrinkles could be significantly reduced by ensuring you hydrated, drink plenty of water and avoid exposure excessive sun.


It is very important to invest in a good moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type.


  • Even oily skin needs to be moist well as dry skin tends to wrinkle and line much faster and sooner than someone with an exceptionally oily skin.
  • Dry skin is also more likely to be very sensitive to winter cold can make chapped skin, sore and inflamed and can lead to other skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • Cracked skin also has the potential to harbor germs and bacteria that lead to infection.


We all know the importance of drinking water, it flushes out all the toxins and waste from the skin, leaving it soft, radiant and youthful. However, we must not neglect our skin on the outside, it needs a certain amount of moisture to maintain its elasticity and flexibility which is why the use of cleanser and moisturizer are so important.

Skin toner works well to remove impurities and tighten pores, even if some of them can be very abrasive on the skin should be used sparingly and should not be used around the eye area.


If you happen to suffer from acne or other skin diseases, it is important to get treating acne especially when it is at its worst:


  • can leave permanent scars,
  • hyper-pigmentation,
  • not to mention a lot of pain and discomfort.


Sometimes, healthy eating and lifestyle is not always enough to erase some skin diseases and disorders. Stress can also be an important factor, but it is important to seek help when necessary so that problems can be nipped in the bud before they progress.


We go to the dentist to check the health of our teeth to ensure that we do not need treatment and avoid sickness against infections. We sometimes undergo medical examinations to ensure that our bodies are healthy and fully functioning condition.
So why not take care of our skin?



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