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Despite a drop in cases, Bihar ranks third after Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, according to a new report.

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Notwithstanding a 27% plunge in individuals living with HIV cases, young people, including gay men, intravenous medication clients, men who engage in sexual relations with men represented most HIV positive cases in Bihar, as per the most recent NACO overview. 

Bihar positions third, after Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, in individuals living with HIV (PLHIV), with around 8,000 new cases recorded every year, a report by Hindustan Times showed, citing Dr S Siddhartha Shankar Reddy, wellbeing expert of UNICEF Bihar.


Notwithstanding a 27% plunge in PLHIV cases, most adolescents, including gay men, intravenous medication clients, men who have intercourse with men (MSM) represented most PLHIV cases in the state, as indicated by the most recent sentinel study attempted by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) in 2017.


Prior, higher diseases were accounted for among female sex laborers, however that pattern has now been changed to MSM, Dr Reddy called attention to.

Contrasted with the country’s PLHIV pervasiveness pace of 0.22% (the quantity of individuals testing positive for HIV/AIDS out of the number of inhabitants in 100), Bihar stands better at 0.17%.

Bihar’s yearly trying figures have shown a decrease in the quantity of individuals turning HIV/AIDS positive.


The Hindustan Times report likewise said, “From 1.83% HIV/AIDS positive rate, when 11,000 out of the 6 lakh individuals tried positive in 2018-19, to 0.91% in 2021-22, when 7,139 of the 6,87,439 tried till February, detailed positive, Bihar’s mediations have been successful,” said Anshul Agarwal, project overseer of the Bihar State AIDS Control Society (BSACS).


The objective of eliminating the danger of the HIV illnesses by 2030 has now been additionally pushed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Last year, the state vaccinated something like 20,000 HIV patients with either the first or second Covid immunization portion, as indicated by a report by The Times of India.


The state wellbeing division information showed almost 41,000 HIV positive patients are taking the advantages of government assistance plans sent off for them.


The state government has been running mindfulness crusades about AIDS for north of twenty years in which it has been persuading individuals that the sickness doesn’t spread by embracing, kissing, handshake or in any event, offering dinners to one another.

As indicated by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention and Control) Act, 2017, any individual oppressing the patient will be responsible to lawful activity.


The 2019 NACO report showed that 89 out of 4,000 detainees, who went through clinical assessment in November 2019, have been identified with AIDS. One of the primary purposes for the spread of the illness could be dependence on drugs, as indicated by prison authorities.


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