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Did You Ever know this much About NUTS?

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From the earliest times even before agriculture was utilized by the Greeks for better food resources, ‘Nuts’ were a source of sustainable food and nutritious food for the males within the dark times. In those days, nuts were plentiful, as were many forests today, and that they were popular for straightforward storage, making it possible for people to store food that was hard to seek out on time. (Winter, time of year, etc.).


There is evidence that from the second century B.C. The Romans distributed sugary almonds for special occasions like weddings and birthdays.


Nuts have their place all told cultures and in almost every cuisine within the world. Peanuts are fashionable people of all ages thanks to their subtle flavors and high fats and carbohydrates. This is often the key taste that chefs love after they create new dishes and variety.


Below the nut field, we understand anything from seed to legume or tuber. Peanuts, for instance, legume, Brazil nut and macadamia nut are the seeds and almonds are the fruit of peach-like fruit.


Scientifically speaking nuts are the seeds of one seed with a tough shell or skin that contains edible grain, enclosed in an exceedingly soft inner skin.

Generally, all walnut trees grow slowly but survive long. Walnut, chestnut or pecan trees still produce nuts, usually quite 100 years after planting.


Peanuts of all types are found everywhere the globe. Almonds as an example are found in California, Spain, Morocco, Italy and even Australia, where the walnut may be found anywhere from North America to the Andes and Persia to Australia. Asia also encompasses a big variety of nuts.



Scientists consider almonds to be the fruit of stone, such as cherries, peaches, and prunes.

Because most people only know the seed (stone) of this fruit, it is generally accepted as a nut.

The almond tree looks like a little green peach. When ripe the shell will open and expose the nut to its shell.

There are many varieties of almonds.


Bitter almond is actually an apricot kernel, which was found growing in the wild in China back in the late days of the Tang Dynasty (AD 619-907).

The same apricot was exported to Europe and became the fruit of the apricot, now enjoyed worldwide. Bitter almond is poisonous when raw and should be boiled immediately and placed in the oven before it can be used again. It is used mainly in Chinese desserts such as almond bean curd.


Sweet almonds are often used for fresh use. In 1986, California alone produced 70,000 tons of almonds, which is part of global production. Almonds have long been cultivated in the Mediterranean region and can still be found in the wild in Algeria and along the Black Sea. Sweet almonds can be purchased whole, shell, cut to 1/2 skin, without skin, bright, peeled, crushed or salted. used in snacks, marzipan, confectionery, and desserts as well as in the production of liqueur essence, oil and cosmetic products.



The bunya tree is a member of the pine family and grows almost everywhere in Australia. The trees originally grew in the Brisbane and Rockhampton areas of Queensland Australia. Only female trees produce a 2cm x 2.5cm nut in pine.


In ancient times, bunya bunya pine nuts were a staple food and were also used in ceremonies. These days, nuts are gaining popularity with the trend in traditional Australian food (forest food) in recent years.


Nut is rich in carbohydrates, similar to chestnuts, so it is more widely used as a potato than as a nut. sautéed nuts can be eaten raw but are usually boiled to make the skin easier to remove. Peanuts are then fried in butter and added to peppers or sugar, or added to soups and stews.



Bopple red nuts are related to macadamia nut, and they originate in the tropical rain forest of Australia’s East Coast.


The nut is about the size of a hazelnut and is thick (0.5cm 0 1cm), a woody shell with a bright red outer skin, which appears only when the nut is fully ripe.

Unlike many other nuts, bopple nuts are very low in fat, but very high in calcium and potassium. The low fat content makes this nut easier to digest. Peanuts are eaten raw or fried.



“He who plants a coconut tree,” says the saying, “he plants food and drink, vessels and clothing, his dwelling place and the inheritance of his children”. Virtually every piece of coconut is used, but only coconut milk and coconut meat are a staple. The shell is used as coal, the husk is used to make ropes, clothing and brushes, and the tree trunk and leaves are used for roofing materials and building materials respectively.


The palm fruit `cocos nucifera ‘has edible seeds and is therefore suitable as a nut. The palm tree originates in the Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil and Indonesia, and can produce 50 – 100 nuts a year, with a life expectancy of 70 years. Coconut trees grow very well near the sea but have been shown to withstand high altitude, although production levels are declining as the tree grows farther away from the sea.


The large thick green shell encloses the brown, fibrous shell surrounding the brown shell, which contains a layer of soft white flesh and clear water in the center. The smallest species found only on one island in the Seychelles, in the Indian Ocean, produces a nut that usually weighs more than 20 kg, which takes 10 years to ripen.


Coconut is one of the most widely used nuts in the world. Especially meat, or copra, as it is called after sunset, is important in the export industry, in coconut-growing countries. Coconut is an important food source especially in South East Asia, India, Brazil and the South Pacific islands.


Copra can be brought milled or ground and used in confectioneries, ice cream and dressing chicken or fish for frying. Most of it, however, is pressed by its oil which is also called coconut butter as it is white and oily in the heat. It is used not only for cooking and margarine but also for soaps, detergents, shampoos, face creams, perfumes, and candles.


It is also a great ingredient in glycerin, synthetic rubber, safety glass and hydraulic brake fluid. Coconut juice or milk is a natural nutty juice, but not the water inside the coconut. It is won by peeling the flesh of raw coconut, then adding water and straining the mixture with a cotton cloth. Coconut milk is harmonious with the color of skim milk and can be canned or frozen.



Candle nut gets its name, from which it is firmly attached to the middle of a palm leaf using an old candle. Recently, peanuts are ground to a paste, mixed with copra (minced coconut meat) and ten are made into a candle.


Candlenuts are the seeds of the candle berry tree native to Indonesia and Malaysia but are widely distributed throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, and Sri Lanka.


Nut has a very high fat content and is very important in extruded oil for cooking and cooking. The nut is gray to dark brown, about 5cm wide, with a thin, paper shell containing one or two nuts.


Candlenut oil for lighting purposes is extracted by roasting nuts when ripe as cooking oil is extracted by roasting nuts when ripe. In order to be eaten by humans, nuts need to be roasted as raw can cause disease.


Ripe candle nuts are fried, then crushed in a meal mixed with salt, pepper or shrimp paste for use in curries or as a delicious spice in curries. Traditionally, Javanese roast peanuts to eat whole grains.



The palm tree, native to most of Southeast Asia, produces a strong, shiny nut, from which sweet milk or jelly is extracted. Although the tree is used in Indonesian cuisine to make soups and desserts, it is one of the most widely known palm kernels – Palm Sugar (gula melaka).


There is no reliable information on the nutritional value of palm kernels, but it is widely known that fats are saturated.



Located in Queensland and New South Wales in Australia, macadamia nut is named after Dr. John McAdam, a scientist and early promoter of Australian cultivation.


Macadamia trees are evergreen and reach a height of 100 feet [20 m]. The edible seeds of the silk oak tree have a hard, light brown shell, 2 – 3cm wide.

By 1888, macadamia trees had been cultivated in Hawaii where, carefully and efficiently, they became an important commercial product.


Today, macadamia nuts are grown in South Africa, Zimbabwe, California, and parts of South and Central America.


It is very difficult to break the macadamia nut as its shell is so hard and hard on the grain that if it cracks the nut will break. In Hawaii, an American scientist developed a method of separating a grain from a shell by squeezing it into dry barrels. Then they made the first commercial cracker. It was with these two developments that the macadamia nut was able to develop in the way it is commercially important today.

This is also the reason why macadamia nuts are only available that have already been extracted from the shells. Macadamia nuts are also valued for their oil and macadamia nut butter.


They are available roasted and salted. When buying macadamia nuts, be careful not to pack them in airtight containers or vacuum bags, as they crack easily when opened.


Macadamia nuts are used for confectioneries or as snacks, but they also benefit from being popular in the kitchen as they have a soft and subtle flavor and add texture to salads, and hot dishes. The oil makes an excellent vinaigrette with cold sauces.



The name refers to the tuber-like nut of the aquatic plant called Trapa. The plant is common in several parts of the world, but it is widely used in Japan, China, and Thailand where it is also a popular ingredient in its cooking.


The trapa plant grows in ponds and ponds and sends its leaves high, like a water lily. Water chestnuts grow in roots under water. Watery chestnuts are flat and round with a diameter of 5 – 7cm. 


They have soft black skin and white flesh like coconut meat. Once peeled, they can be eaten raw, or dried and are a popular ingredient because they are crunchy, with a subtle hint of flavor. Water chestnuts are also boiled and made into flour, which is used to thicken sauces and dishes, such as cornstarch.



Chestnuts are thought to have originated in Southern Europe and Persia although they are also found in China, Japan, and North America.


The nuts of the chestnut tree have a shiny brown color and a leathery shell. They can be eaten raw, but are usually eaten boiled, baked or roasted or as a sweet or sugary chestnut puree. They are also sold in syrup as marron glaces.


Chestnuts are the only nuts, treated as a vegetable because they contain a lot of starch (30%) and a little fat 3%.

Chestnuts are also made into a fiber rich in fiber and starch.



Originally from the West Indies and from northern Brazil, Portuguese explorers introduced the nuts to India and Malaysia and parts of Africa.


A nut with a hard shell grows inside the cashew apple. When ripe the cashew nut appears at the end of a red or yellow apple. The cashew tree is a member of the poison ivy family and growers should take precautionary measures when extracting nuts. 


The hard shell contains oil, which irritates the skin, so the nuts are burned to remove the grain. Smoke and fumes, which, however, can be harmful to the skin and eyes. When it is hot the cashew nuts are harmless and may be released.



Ginkgo is a prehistoric maidenhair tree, which lives only in the wild in China.


The fruit looks like a small plum but has a rough and bitter shell. The Chinese wait for the smelly shell to fill up, then paint the nuts and use them for ceremonial decorations, before cracking them to eat the nuts. 


In Japan and Korea, ginkgo nuts are cooked and grated, changing the color of the nuts from yellow to green. In China, ginkgo nuts are a popular ingredient in vegetable dishes. Nuts can be found fresh or canned.



The hazel bush nut originated in Europe and North America and was mentioned in the literature from 2838 B.C., and was said to cure many human diseases and is considered to be very good for Liver and used as a hair tonic. Some claim that the name filbert comes from Saint Philibert, a French abbot whose feast day on August 22 coincides with the first ripe peanuts in the Northern Hemisphere.


Hazelnuts have a very hard shell, which must be broken by the nutcracker before reaching the kernels. Hazelnuts are available, raw, blanched, or fried, chopped, milled, cooked and hazelnut brewed.



Peanuts are not real nuts. It is the seeds of a legume plant with a soft, brown shell and is part of the bean and pea family. But they are often considered along with nuts because of their physique and nutritional value. 


Nuts grow on the roots of the plant and underground. Peanuts originated in Brazil and have been found there since the first recording in 950 B.C.


Today, peanuts are grown in all tropical countries around the world (India, China, West Africa, Australia and the USA are the major nut growing countries). Peanuts produce excellent oil, which is used in salads and cold dishes and for frying. Peanuts also produce peanut butter, margarine, and are used in sardines. Nuts are found whole, peeled and skinned and raw or fried. Nuts are used in all kinds of variations from salads to large meals and desserts.



These are edible seeds of the pine tree and grow in a cone. Pine trees are found in the southern USA, Mexico and near the Mediterranean Sea. It is very difficult to establish a pine industry as trees grow slowly and do not bear much fruit until they are 75 years old.

Most commonly found pine nuts are green and then fried, fried or fried. Pine nut oil is used in the cosmetics industry. Pine nut flour is used in confectionery.



Pistachio nut is a small green leaf, which grows on the pistachio tree from Syria, Palestine, and Persia.

The natural color of the shell is white to gray, but sometimes the nuts are dyed red to cover more spots.

Pistachio nuts are now grown in India, Europe, North Africa, Mexico, the USA, and the Far East. Pistachios are usually sold in their shell or packaged and peeled.

Green seeds are used as a spice in cooking, sweets, and ice cream.



Walnut is related to the hickory and pecan tree and grows anywhere from North America to the Andes and from Europe to China. English walnuts, butternuts and hickory nuts are all walnuts, botanical expressions. 


All of those walnuts have different shells and cobs but the English walnut with its rough shell and yellowish brown is the most famous and most famous as `Walnut’.


Walnuts are bought from the shell or extracted from the shells and demanded for their oil, used in cooking as well as in salads and dressings.




  • Macadamia Nuts

  • Bunya Bunya Pine Nuts- Australia

  • Red Bopple Nut

  • Candle Nut- Malaysia

  • Palm Nut- Philippines, Brazil

  • Coconut -Indonesia, China

  • Water Chestnut

  • Brazil Nuts- South America

  • Beech Nuts- USA

  • Pecan Nuts- North America



Nuts are rich in fat (40-60%) and dietary fiber (5-15%) with a moderate amount of protein (2-25%) and a small amount of starch (up to 10%).


As mentioned above chestnuts are free from this common rule.


The nuts in the nuts are usually monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and do not contain cholesterol as nuts are harvested from plants. Only coconut and palm contain saturated fats.

Essential amounts of minerals can be found in nuts, which include zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.


They also contain other provitamins and vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin E&C.

Peanuts contain very little natural sodium and have a high potassium content, which is recommended in this gut to control blood pressure.


Unfortunately nuts are often marketed as salty as a snack, which disrupts this natural balance, and with an overdose of salted nuts people consume too much fat and salt.


Peanuts are also a great source of energy and are often used in the diet of athletes.

When used in moderation, nuts in a salty state are a nutritious food.




One does not know where to start as he gathers information about the use of nuts and the nut related product in today’s visitors. In kitchens, there is no limit to the number of dishes and nature chefs can use nuts or peanut products. 


From appetizers to salads, soups and desserts, and cheese, fish, pasta, meat and vegetables, nuts are very diverse and do not have a strong flavor, and their subtle flavor and texture are absorbed by almost every product offered as a supplement. 


Peanut butter is also widely used in dressing, frying and flavoring hot and cold dishes. Peanut butter can be a welcome addition to nutritious sauces as well as cake and cream sauces, marzipan and other nutmeg nuts are often used to produce chocolates and confectionery items. In Indian cuisine, cashew nut paste is often used for thickening curries and sauces. With the widespread use of various nuts throughout the world, nuts are used in almost all known foods and their nutritional value makes them useful in many diets from ancient times.


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