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Do you want to make your home rose plant bloom in bunches at a cost of two rupees?

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Rose is the favorite plant of most of the home gardeners, not only in India but also in the whole world. The sight of this rose plant, which is loved by all, gives excitement to the mind. A rose plant with simple maintenance will produce many flowers. This single product, which costs a couple of bucks, will provide a wonderful solution to most rose problems. What does that mean? How to use it? That is what we are going to see in this post…

It is important to keep the rose plant moist at all times. Not only that, the soil in the rose plant should be loose. If it is too tight, it will begin to wilt without getting the oxygen it needs. Oxygen available from the soil and nutrients that can provide moisture are all things that make a rose plant bloom well.

Nutrients needed by the rose plant are found in eggshell and tea powder. So rose growers often use these two fertilizers in excess. Not only that, vegetables and herbs are also used. In that way, this one product is high in all the nutrients that rose plants need.

That is the two rupee coffee powder that is easily available to all of us. Like tea powder, coffee powder contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ion, magnesium and calcium. You should regularly give this to your plants once in twenty days or once in two weeks, the problem of leaf fall, wilting of the plant, problems like blooming of one or two flowers on a branch and the color of the flower fades, problems like rose flower not blooming big will get rid of it.

Those who have less than 10 rose plants buy two rupees worth of coffee powder. It should be mixed with rice washed water to the extent of one liter. Take one liter of water available from soaked rice and mix it with it and then add it to ten liters of normal water. This is the water you should spray the rose plants with. Apart from that, water should be poured all over the plant as always.

If moisture is maintained at all times, the available nutrients will reach the rose plant fully. There is no need to do this every day. Do this twice a month. Without insect attacks, you will see abundant growth in all the leaves, buds, flowers and branches of the rose plant, and you will see lots of flowers, big and beautiful and with rich colors.

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