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Egg Roti

Visitors have accessed this post 356 times.

Egg Roti Recipe

Today we bring you an Egg Roti recipe that can be made quickly when you are hungry. It is super easy

and super taste just like in the store.


  • Two cups of all purpose flour

  • Two cups of water

  • Sugar 1 tsp

  • Salt to taste

  • Vegetable or coconut oil 2 tsp


For the omelet

  • Two eggs

  • Chili flakes 1/2 tsp

  • Peper 1/4 tsp

  • Salt to taste

  • Finely chopped tomatoes, green chili, onions. 



In a bowl add all purpose flour, sugar, salt and oil and mix them well. Add water to this mixture till it becomes a runny batter ( Just like pancake batter). Keep it aside for 5 minutes. 


In another bowl add two eggs,chili flakes,pepper, salt, tomatoes,green chilies and onions. Mix them well. 


Heat the saucepan and apply some coconut oil or vegetable oil ( or else you can use Butter also, it will add some extra taste to your egg roti) 


Add the batter to the saucepan and let it cook for a few minutes. Add a tablespoon of omelette mixture and fold it from the four corners to make a square. Flip it upside down to cook the omelette. 

Change the sides until it cooks well. Your Roti is ready to serve. It’s super easy and super tasty. Hope you enjoy this recipe.

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