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How to Automatically Transcribe Audio to Text in Multiple Languages

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How to Automatically Transcribe Audio to Text in Multiple Languages

When it comes to transcription, you may think you have only two options: either hire an entire team of professionals to transcribe every video and audio recording, or transcribe everything yourself, which can be time-consuming and tedious work. However, there’s a third option that’s growing in popularity—automatic transcription software. Whether you want to use an automatic transcription service or your own custom-made program, this article will walk you through the steps necessary to automate the process of turning audio into text in multiple languages.

What is Automatic Audio Transcription?

Automatic audio transcription is an automated process that converts an audio file or recording into a written document. The most common use for automatic audio transcription is converting podcasts and other long-form, conversational recordings into shorter documents, such as executive summaries or transcripts.

Different Types of Automatic Transcriptions

If you’re looking for a way to convert audio files into text, you have two different options: automatic and human transcription. When it comes to choosing between automatic transcription and human transcription, some people argue that automatic is less expensive and can be faster. Automatic also offers a higher degree of accuracy than humans often provide. Human transcribers are more likely to offer corrections for spelling errors and improper grammar, however.

Happy Scribe: Audio Transcription & Video Subtitles

Happy Scribe’s automatic and human transcription services convert audio to text with 85-99% accuracy in 120+ languages and 45+ formats. 

Sign up now!

When to Use Automatic Transcriptions

When you have a lot of audio files that must be transcribed, either for your own reference or for use in a business report. Automatic transcription services are faster and cheaper than human transcription services, but they’re not quite as accurate. Automatic transcription software will produce more errors than human transcribers, so if accuracy is paramount, automatic is not for you. However, these types of services can save you time and money when used appropriately.

Why Choose Happy Scribe?

Happy Scribe is a cloud-based platform that converts audio or video into text. It was developed by industry professionals with experience spanning over a decade and strives to deliver transcribed text without adding any errors. Happy Scribe offers multiple formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, TXT, HTML and more. They also offer translation services in over 100 languages! Their easy-to-use interface lets you work directly on your transcript even if you have no knowledge of transcription.

What are the Benefits of Using our Services?

Our services offer users a quicker, easier, and more accurate way of converting audio files into text. Clients can listen and view their transcripts in real time with our cloud-based platform. We also offer more than 50 different languages for your convenience.

Happy Scribe: Audio Transcription & Video Subtitles

Happy Scribe’s automatic and human transcription services convert audio to text with 85-99% accuracy in 120+ languages and 45+ formats. 

Sign up now!


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