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Rainy makeup

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Applying makeup is one of the daily tasks of many women Psychology says this is to boost their self-confidence Makeup helps to improve appearance and protect the skin from environmental pollutants It is important to apply makeup according to each season so that the makeup does not fade and enhances the beauty for a long time Here are some tips on how to wear makeup well as the rainy season has set in Toners Moisturizer and sunscreen even if it’s rainy season It should be followed regularly as it will reduce dryness and oiliness of the skin and prevent infection It’s best to use less makeup so that you don’t notice too much difference even if you get wet in the rainA color corrector, foundation, concealer and just the essentials will keep your face looking great even when it’s wet in the rain.Especially if you want to apply concealer and compact after the primer, if you want to apply a foundation suitable for rainy season, it is better to mix it with the primer.Waterproof makeup products are available in the market At the same time, all the necessary items for complete makeup are not available Using only some waterproof makeup products and other accessories will reduce the effect of the makeup If you want to use blush and highlight, you can use powder form Eyeliner, kajal, and mascara can be used in all stores to make your brows, lashes, and lashes look better.When wearing kajal, if you wear it in white or brown instead of the usual black, your eyes will look bigger When applying mascara on the lids, apply a regular mascara first and then apply a waterproof one on top of it for longer lasting, water-resistant mascara that makes your lashes look longer.Makeup is used to enhance our features and if applied in the right amount and at the right time, we can achieve a perfect look.

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