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What is affilate marketing? How do become a succes affilate marketing

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                                             What is an affilate marketing ?

Affiliate marketing tells him that by taking a link from any of our online stores, let someone else shop with that link and we can get commission, friends came, you did not understand, no matter what, I will explain to you in more depth.

Friends, be it any company from which you have to do marketing, like suppose I do Amazon marketing, I share the link of Amazon’s product with you and you take advantage of it, then I will get some commission and how will you do this? I will also tell you friends.


                               How can we do affilate Marketing?

For this I have a must idea, friends, we have four things so that we can grow in marketing, but we have to work on these four ideas, only then we will be able to do so, let’s know about all four ideas. That you must be feeling good after reading my post, just read my post and you will like to read these four ideas well.

1} YouTube : Everyone must have heard the name of YouTube, I am talking to friends of YouTube, all you have to do is create a channel on YouTube and make a video of the product and give you the link of that product in the description. If you like the video you are watching, then it will buy through your profile link and you will get some commission.

2} Blogger: Blog so that you can create your own blog for free and start writing posts on it and assume that as soon as any of your posts starts going in the ranking, then it will be your only advantage and putting your fillet link in all your posts. Do not forget that only then you will be able to earn something through it.

3} Facebook: All of you must have heard the name of Facebook, on which you can create video and sharing platform and group and you can do some other things, now tell me what you have to do, you don’t have to think too much Because in this post, I will tell you the whole thing so that you do not see, you have to create a group which you will create by watching it from YouTube, which is very important and after that you keep putting the link of your product and The one who has to buy will buy friends so that you can have a command and if you talk about other things on Facebook, then one thing I liked in this is that you have to create a page and keep posting videos and photos of your product so that you can share Write and get more.


4} Instagram: In this also you have to create an account like others and you have to post if anyone buys then you earn and then you have to upload reels video and you have to upload post so that you reach and audience And you can continue to do marketing.

These friends will happen only when you work hard, then this work will be done and you will have to pay attention to one more thing, which I am going to tell you two more things, you should take these two things carefully, friends.


Friends, the first thing is that you have to do two important things to do marketing, whether you have to bring in organic traffic or paid traffic, now we talk about both.

Paid traffic: This traffic is called that in which we bring traffic to our website by investing our money or by advertising our product link, the one who is starting up will not be able to do this work and will also rate that investment. don’t

Talking about organic traffic, you must have worked hard, in that you have gathered an audience on your people by posting on a blog and then you do marketing, friends, these were two types. 

 Now I understand you the further process, suppose you have earned then you can also copy that money to your bank account without any problem which is right for you.

And whatever I gave four ideas, you will have to make a niche so that whatever your audience needs, you should say that you write a post on a bowl or make a video so that you do not have a problem, friends, suppose you have about electronic today link: more If you have written about clothes yesterday, it should not happen that you will have to write a post on the same bowl, only then you will be able to get some goods and water, your society must have gone to the extent of saying that goods, water, goods, water means money, brother, think that I have something. I have to make money in days, no matter how hard I have to work for it, do it because life becomes easy after hard work, but if you work hard and are thinking to become a courier in marketing, then this post is for you.  tell me how did you feel after reading this post 

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