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What is the keto diet?

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  • The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that is in many ways similar to the Atkins diet and the low-carb diet.
  • This leads to a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake and fat replacement. This reduction in carbohydrates causes your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis.
  • Your body becomes very efficient at burning fat for energy when this happens. It also converts fat into ketones in the liver, which can be used as brain fuel.
  • The ketogenic diet can significantly lower blood sugar and insulin levels. This, combined with increased ketone levels, offers a number of health benefits.

Different types of ketogenic diets

The ketogenic diet comes in many forms, including:

  • The standard ketogenic diet (SKD) is a low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diet. Usually 70 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and only 10 percent carbohydrates.
  • The cyclic ketogenic diet (CKD) includes periods of increased carbohydrate intake, e.g. B. Five ketogenic days followed by two high-carb days.
  • The targeted ketogenic diet (TKD) allows you to eat carbohydrates between workouts.
  • The ketogenic diet is similar to the traditional ketogenic diet, but with added protein. Usually, the ratio of fat to protein to carbohydrates is 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbohydrates.
  • Only regular, high-protein ketogenic diets have been thoroughly studied. More advanced ketogenic diets, such as cycling or the targeted ketogenic diet, are primarily used by athletes.

What is ketosis?

  • Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.
  • This occurs when you drastically limit your carbohydrate intake and reduce the availability of glucose (sugar), the main source of energy for cells, in your body.
  • The most effective strategy for entering ketosis is the ketogenic diet. This usually involves limiting carbohydrate intake to 20 to 50 grams per day and focusing on fats such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils.
  • It is also important to control your protein intake. Because when you eat too much protein, it gets converted into glucose, which slows down your ketosis.


Ketogenic diets can help you lose weight

The ketogenic diet can help you lose weight while reducing your risk of disease. In fact, evidence shows that a ketogenic diet can be just as successful as a low-fat diet for weight loss.

Plus, because the diet is so satisfying, you can lose weight without tracking your calories or diet. After a very low-carb diet, the ketogenic diet was slightly more beneficial for long-term weight loss than after a low-fat diet, according to a study of 13 studies. The keto diet resulted in an average of 2 pounds (0.9 kg) more weight loss than the low-fat group.

In addition, it leads to lower diastolic blood pressure and lipid levels. Another study found that participants who followed a ketogenic diet for eight weeks lost about five times more total body fat than those who followed a low-fat diet. Increased ketones, decreased blood sugar levels, and higher insulin sensitivity can all contribute.

Ketogenic diets for diabetes and prediabetes

Changes in metabolism, high blood sugar, and decreased insulin action are symptoms of diabetes. Excess fat is linked to type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome, and a ketogenic diet can help you lose it. According to previous research, the ketogenic diet improves insulin sensitivity by up to 75%. In a small study of women with type 2 diabetes, a ketogenic diet for 90 days lowered levels of hemoglobin A1C, a measure of long-term glycemic control.

Another study found that 349 people with type 2 diabetes who followed a ketogenic diet lost an average of 26.2 pounds (11.9 kg) over two years. When it comes to the relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes, this is a significant benefit.

In addition, they had better blood sugar control and the need for certain blood sugar medications decreased among the participants over the course of the study.


More health benefits of keto

The ketogenic diet was originally developed to treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Research has shown that eating healthy can help with a variety of health problems:

Heart disease is a serious condition. Body fat, HDL (good) cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels can all benefit from a ketogenic diet Crab. Diet is currently being studied as an adjunct treatment for cancer because of its potential to reduce tumor growth. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. A ketogenic diet can help relieve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and stop the disease from progressing. Epilepsy. Research has shown that the ketogenic diet helps children with epilepsy have fewer seizures.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder. Although more research is needed, one study found that a plant-based diet may help with symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a form of polycystic ovary syndrome. A ketogenic diet can help lower insulin levels, which may be important in polycystic ovary syndrome. Brain Injury According to several studies, a healthy diet can help people recover from traumatic brain injuries.


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