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YouTuber Matt Par Runs 9 Different Niche Channels Without Showing His Face.

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If you’re trying to figure out how to start a YouTube channel, you may have noticed that making money from your videos takes quite some time and effort. Enter Matt Par—the creator of Tube Mastery and Monetization—who has figured out how to run 9 different niche channels on YouTube while never showing his face. Here’s how he does it, and how you can do the same with your own YouTube channel.

About Matt Parr

Matt Par is a YouTuber and online course creator who has built a successful online business by creating niche channels. He has never shown his face on any of his channels, yet he has amassed a large following and generates a significant income from his YouTube channels. In his course, Tube Mastery and Monetization, he reveals how he’s able to run 9 different channels without showing his face.

What is Tube Mastery?

Tube Mastery is a course that teaches you how to run a successful YouTube channel. It was created by Matt Par, who is a successful YouTuber himself. In the course, he reveals how he runs 9 different niche channels without even showing his face. This is possible because he has found a way to outsource the work to other people. The course is very comprehensive and will teach you everything you need to know about running a successful YouTube channel.

How Can I Get Involved in TubeMastery?

The first step is to sign up for the free email course, which will introduce you to the basics of YouTube and how to get started. After that, you can join the Tube Mastery community for access to exclusive resources, training, and support. To really take things to the next level, consider enrolling in the Tube Mastery and Monetization course, which will teach you everything you need to know about running successful YouTube channels.

The first 6 modules of TubeMastery

You will be provided with an in-depth look at the business model of a YouTuber. You will learn how to start, grow, and monetize your YouTube channel. In addition, you will get an inside look at the life of a successful YouTuber. Finally, you will have access to exclusive resources and support from other members of the community.


You’ll get an in-depth look at how Matt Par runs his 9 different YouTube channels without showing his face. You’ll learn his niche selection process, how he creates and promotes his videos, and how he makes money from each channel. Plus, you’ll get access to a private community where you can ask questions and get feedback from other students.

Income Streams

You’ll learn about the different types of monetization strategies that are available to you as a YouTuber. This is important because it will help you determine which ones are the best fit for your channel. For example, if you have a gaming channel, product placement might not be the best option. However, if you have a cooking channel, sponsored videos could work well. Matt Par runs 9 different YouTube channels and uses a variety of monetization strategies, including sponsorships, product placement, and affiliate marketing.

Outreach & Networking

You’ll learn how to get in touch with other YouTubers in your niche to collaborate, guest post, or just get advice. You’ll also learn how to use social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to grow your following. By the end of this module, you’ll have a solid plan for networking and outreach.

Promoting Your Channel

You will learn how to get your channel in front of more potential viewers with both paid and organic traffic methods. You’ll also discover the secret to successful YouTube SEO so that your videos rank higher in search results. Plus, you’ll learn how to create a custom URL for your channel and use annotations to drive traffic to your website or other social media platforms.

Choosing A Niche & Keywords

In this module, you’ll learn how to choose a niche for your YouTube channel. You’ll also learn how to find keywords that will help you rank in YouTube’s search. Here are some tips.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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