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Diabetes type 1

Visitors have accessed this post 332 times.

What is the difference between type 1

and type 2 diabetes?


Our bodies get their vigor from glucose, a

type of sugar. Diabetes can develop as a

result of elevated levels in the blood. There

are approximately 40 different forms of

diabetes. Type-1 and type-2 are the most

affected. People over the age of 30 are more

likely to develop type 2 diabetes. They put

on pounds. It is critical for these patients to

lose weight once they have been diagnosed

with diabetes. A well-balanced diet is

beneficial. I need to get some exercise. This

can be managed by consistently taking pills

or drugs. Insulin is rarely required for this.

Type-2 diabetes affects approximately 90%

of patients with diabetes.


Type-1 diabetes, on the other hand, is most

common in children under the age of 15.

Type 1 diabetes is more likely to develop in

a newborn kid. Adults might also be affected

by type-1 diabetes. They will undoubtedly

require insulin for the rest of their lives.

Depending on the severity of the disease,

injecting insulin three to five times a day is


This cannot be avoided or reversed. Insulin,

on the other hand, can help you live a longer

and healthier life. Insulin is the only

medicine that can control type 1 diabetes.

As a result, don’t look for alternative

medicine. It has the potential to be fatal. It’s

critical to confirm that you have type-1

diabetes before beginning therapy. Instead

of injecting insulin, you can use an insulin



Dieting is necessary for all types of

diabetes. Desserts should be avoided at all

costs. The asset’s size should be kept to a

minimum. Large amounts of peanuts, lentils,

beans, soy, mushrooms, fish, and fowl can

be consumed. Simultaneously, exercise,

yoga, and other such practices must be

followed. Parental cooperation is critical for

people with type 1 diabetes. If the parents

are happy, the children’s health will almost

certainly improve.


Yes, absolutely. However, obtaining the

pancreas poses numerous challenges. A

living person’s pancreas can never be

removed. The pancreas is the first organ to

be impacted when a person’s vital nerve

fails. Within six hours after the deceased’s

death, the pancreas should be removed and

transplanted. Otherwise, life is in jeopardy. It

is conceivable. However, the chances of this

happening are extremely slim. Efforts to

discover alternatives are still underway.

Wonderful Result

Is gestational diabetes a lifelong


Not every woman who falls pregnant

develops gestational diabetes. In the second

trimester of pregnancy, the risk of

developing the condition is increased. There

is no need to be afraid, but there are specific

therapies that must be followed. After the

baby is born, this problem will be resolved.

After five years, however, the chance of

acquiring diabetes increases by 50 to 70%. It

has the potential to develop into a type-2

disease. As a result, testing should be done

on a frequent basis.


Type-1 diabetics are already more likely to

develop excessive blood sugar during

pregnancy. It is best to control sugar levels

before becoming pregnant. There is a risk of

miscarriage if this is not done. Diabetes can

be prevented from transferring from mother

to child with adequate treatment. However, it

is not a sickness. There is only a little flaw

in the body. Warmth should be shown to the

youngsters. They have a long history of



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