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Weight Loss Strategies

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                                        12 Weight Loss Strategies


                 The goal is to lose weight. Although it may be more interesting for you if we add “without

     dieting.” Better now, right? It is possible, believe it or not, by implementing these 12 practical tips. 

   There are weight loss tips and tricks that do not involve following a strict diet or counting calories. 

And it is that, when it comes to losing a little weight and deflating, changing eating habits and increasing 

exercise is often “Small weight losses can often be achieved simply by improving certain (bad) habits

 that we have at the table, in the kitchen, when shopping, or in restaurants,” says dietitian-nutritionist.



              It is possible, believe it or not, by implementing these 12 practical tips. There are weight loss

 tips and tricks that do not involve following a strict diet or counting calories. And it is that, when it 

comes to losing a little weight and deflating, changing eating habits and increasiEven if we do not need 

to lose weight, a review of our habits can help us regain balance and eat more nutritious foods. we often

 leave more than four hours between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner.


                                    We eat more slowly and mindfully.


              We eat in less than 10 minutes, in front of the computer or in environments that are too noisy,

 overwhelming, or unpleasant (because of the company or the conversation) (because of the company 

or the conversation). n addition, eating too quickly makes us swallow more air, eat more, feel less full, 

and leads to digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, flatulence, or ulcer.


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